Registered Nurse (Full time)

   Lagos ,

   one year ago

Job Summary

Responsible for providing first aid care to pupils which may involve the administration of medication and /or the referral to a primary or secondary care provider in accordance with the parent/guardian's indicated preferences.

● Administration of medication to pupils with chronic illnesses/conditions in line with the directions of the presiding /responsible physician.

● Communicating information on relevant health issues/topics to the school community by conducting health awareness/[promotion campaigns using media, promotion materials, screening programs, and other activities.

● Detect health problems in early stages through regular screenings.

● Keep track of students’ vaccination records.

● Update students’ medical history.

Job duties and responsibilities
  • The school nurse  will be responsible for the overall health and well-being of the pupils in line with the school's health policies. She is responsible for treating student injuries or illnesses and advising students, their parents or guardians, and staff on health issues. They also promote health-related habits (e.g. proper hand-washing) and ensure compliance with national and local health policies for schools.

    Providing healthcare to students

    ● Developing and monitoring health plans for students

    ● Providing first aid care to staff

Job requirements and qualifications
  • ● Bachelor's degree in Nursing or Registered Nurse (RN) with an associate degree in General Nursing (GN) from the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (NMCN).

    ● Must have relevant nursing certification.

    ● Female with 3 to 5 years in a clinical setting. School experience is beneficial but not essential.

    ● Attentive to details.

    ● Proficient in English (oral and written).

    ● Strong interpersonal and people management skills.

  • 130,000
Minimum Experience
  • 3 years
Maximum Experience
  • 5 years
Application Deadline: 29th April, 2024

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